I had called this morn and was going to make an appt for when I return from out of town, they said they could squeeze me in around noon. So I went to the ent again and this time he said its irritated but not cancer or precancer, he thinks its mucal, and wants me to gargle with some mouth wash for a couple weeks. He said no reason for a biopsy and doenst want the irritated area to take longer to heal. I want to be happy with the results but still left with that uneasy feeling. The office called this aft, and said the results from the blood test came back good, I then asked to get a biopsy, they are setting me up with a second opinion with another ent in the clinic in the morning, will see what happens tomorrow. Hopefully Ill get the biopsy and will be withpeople for quite a few days to take my mind off of this.

Thanks for listening


Last edited by 4real; 11-01-2011 04:33 PM.