Well you came back on here Nate that's cool. You know we all here will pump you up and keep you positive as you move on to the next round to battle this crap. On a lighter side you and my son have the same birthday! I may have already told you that but hey I'll mention again just to be sure. Virgo's rock baby!! We are a tough breed, my birthday is the 18th too!! So you can do this and we are all here to help answer any questions you have and you will get it straight up honest no sugar coating here so you will know what to expect. But you can do this look at all the folks here who have that are on here. Keep us posted, it's going to probably be a very long surgery so make sure your family knows to try and get some rest the night before and bring books, laptops/netbooks munchies, drinks and money to buy food if needed and be ready for a long day. Ron's surgeries both were early morning first one had to be there 630am this last one 530am! ya that sucked but his last surgery went fast and was done in 7 hours or so. And he didn't want us or anybody to come and see him afterwards cuz of course you are asleep still and probably will be until the next morning, that's when I went to visit him. He said don't come when I'm not awake. So if it is going to be like that for you a long day I'd suggest after you get done and all clear you are in recovery to have your family or whoever is there go home. Ron wanted me to go home after I dropped him off! Ya ok NO! We lived to far and our hospital supplied 1 person with a pager to update what was going on in the surgery, that was pretty cool. Well good luck keep us posted and keep that head up! You'll be able to talk, don't you worry!

CG to Ron
Out of Pain 4/3/13
4/12-lung and under chin growth no treatment
1/13/12 lung biopsy
6/11 recur 6/30 resection #2 Clear margins
Clear 12/10
Surg 5/13/10 neck dis/nodes part gloss/flap R thigh all teeth out
RAD 30 8/10
DX 4/2/10 "Oral Cavity" T3NOMO
12/28/07 Non Hodg Lymph remission 7/08
passed away 4.3.15, RIP Ron, you are greatly missed