
I will be getting one more chemo on 7/22 (if WBCs hold up) and 8 more rad sessions. Can't wait to put all of this behind me. I did have a few questions for what to expect in the last few days and the weeks that follow treatment. I welcome any general comments, but here are some of my side reactions that I can't wait to put behind me:

* Nausea/vomit due to either chemo or gagging. I take Zofran like vitamin pills twice a day everyday, and this has me constipated.

* Blisters on tongue -- I have a couple of large blisters. The Manuka Honey started to sting big time so I discontinued it. Any idea or workarounds for the honey and an estimate (I know everyone could be different) of when the blisters begin to vanish;

* As a side note, one of the blisters is on the left lateral side of my tongue making it very difficult to brush the inside of the left teeth. I have tried the smallest available toothbrush to no avail, and am now wondering if there is any tooth cleaning powder that I can apply on my finger to get those teeth?

* Mucositis - boy I hate that gooey feeling in the mouth. How long does that mucositis stuff last? Any ideas to deal with it.

* Dry mouth - I heard that this is something that only time can tell whether the saliva function will come back. I have read about an acupuncturist on the East coast who claims he has found a solution for dry mouth and wants $750 for two sessions. Seems like a scam, but am wondering if anyone has any experience in this area.

Thanks in advance for any comments.

Best Regards,

SCC, lateral tongue, age 53, Tongue resection & neck dissection 5/6/11; T1N2BM0, RTX (35 sessions starting 6/8/11)/chemo (3x starting 6/10/11) Last cisplatin 7/22. RTX complete 7/27. PEG in 6/9/11, out 8/31/11