hello, dad's cancer is back on the left side of what is left of his tongue.. he also has perinual invasion which i think makes it a double whammy! we went ahead and decided to do the chemo, which he will start on Wed., as anyother person he will respond or he will not, if he does they will come up with a "protocol" does that make sense? i feel my dad is strong enough to keep on trucking and do what he needs to do, but I do not feel in my heart trucking him around to a different team of doctors would be beneficial.. am i wrong for this? :-(.. you are absolutely right this is the hardest decision we have ever dealth with.. i want him here with us always, but i cannot stand to see him struggling like this.. we just increased his patch to 75, and now he is taking less norco, which is good.. so i can only hope and pray to that powerful man above that he does respond to this chemo, and worse case scenario just "live with cancer"... thank you all you so much for being here for me and living as heros for others..
xoxo nicki

Dad-55 yrs..2/2010-DX/March 2010-Induction Chemo/35Rads 7weeks concurrent with chemo once every 3weeks/6/2010-Treatments completed-October 2010-Recurrence/December 2010-salvage surgery/clear Margins/July 2011-recurrence/weekly Erbitux treatments-5/30/12, last erbitux..
Painfree and rested 6/19/12