hello the nightmare of this vicious disease has returned, although did it really every leave? ENT and pathologist confirmed on thursday that dad's cancer is back.. they said we can give him next week off and bring him back in the following week to speak with the medical oncologist and surgeon.. surgeon did say that the only thing that can be offered is the Erbitux, of course it wont cure it but can make a difference in size of tumor and give dad some more time and less pain.. any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.. God Bless

Dad-55 yrs..2/2010-DX/March 2010-Induction Chemo/35Rads 7weeks concurrent with chemo once every 3weeks/6/2010-Treatments completed-October 2010-Recurrence/December 2010-salvage surgery/clear Margins/July 2011-recurrence/weekly Erbitux treatments-5/30/12, last erbitux..
Painfree and rested 6/19/12