Hi Helen
Welcome to OCF..like Christine has mentioned, this site is a wealth of information and you will recieve so much support from its members. I like Christine have had OC 3 times...mine came back in a matter of months. I am still undergoing treatment and like you feel the fear and anxiety that comes with having cancer. However, I really couldn't have come this far without the help, support and encouragement of the people on this site. I used to always look at statistics but the things I have learnt on this journey is that we are all individuals and statistics are just a ball park figure.
I personally know a few people who have had tonsil cancer and they are doing very well after treatment. So, please hang in there but allow yourself to go with the flow of emotions. Having cancer is not an easy road...it's ok to cry, worry and feel afraid. But, reach out to people for support and help and believe me, it feels like your burden is halved when you do that.Joining this site was the best thing I ever did..I have made so many friends who understand what I am going through.
I wish you all the very best with your treatment...keep positive and be kind to yourself xx