When people on this site told me three months ago to have patience, that I would improve and heal in time, I couldn't believe it, but it was true. I want to send along a message of hope to everyone, but especially to those people just finishing treatment: things get better, the body wants to heal, it just takes time. I didn't believe it then, and I still have my hard days, but right now I am sitting in my favorite coffee shop, eating a fritata and drinking a hot chai tea. My PEG is coming out in two weeks. My first pet-scan is on 6/20. My family and I made vacation plans: one week in Maine and New Hampshire. My recovery was really tough but I learned to have patience and let my body heal. It's still healing but at least I can talk, eat, drive, and have interest in things again. Bless all of you and thank you to those whose wisdom and advice helped enormously. I'll keep you all posted on the results of my first pet-scan. Best, Michelle

Last edited by Michelle Ann; 06-14-2011 09:41 AM.

SCC left tonsil, stage IV, HPV+, metastatic to one lymph node. Biopsy 12/23/10; tonsillectomy 1/13/11; DX 1/25/11; Peg in 1/28/11. Peg out 6/29. TX 1/31/11-3/21/11: 35 IMRT plus 3 Cisplatin. Pet-Scan 6/20/11 = CLEAR! Three years out, learning to live with the long-term side effects of radiation while reminding myself to feel blessed.