Hi, Maura -

It sounds like your mom is moving along at her own pace with eating, talking, and exercising -- that's all good. It's still early after her surgery, as I said earlier, and will all improve with time.

As for keeping the obturator in vs. leaving it out, I think prosthodontists vary in their opinion about that. My first prosthodontist told me early on to keep the obturator in all the time (including when sleeping), so for my first year I kept it in around the clock (except to clean my mouth, etc.). My second prosthodontist told me to sleep without it, so that's what I do now. It's a relief to take it out at night, and it isn't hard to get in the next morning, but my mouth is totally healed at this point and doesn't really change shape overnight. I imagine your mother's mouth tissue is really in flux and probably means she's going to have a harder time reinserting it if she is leaving it out frequently. Just ask the prosthodontist this Wednesday what the best course of action is.

Like so much of this, the talking is going to take time, too. She will become accustomed to the obturator after a while, her mouth will heal and settle, and speech will probably improve. Also, the readjustments are a must -- I went to the prosthodontist frequently during the first six months for just that reason. Don't hesitate on that; your mom deserves to have an obturator that fits right! It's understandable that she's self-conscious about her speech right now; she's dealing with the trauma of the surgery and with a new mouth and an awkward prosthesis (it feels awkward for a while!). I'd let her take her own time with this; no need to rush.

Good luck Wednesday at the prosthodontist -- take in a list of your questions so you remember everything you wanted to ask.

Maura, it sounds like you are very attentive and dedicated to your mom's recovery; that is wonderful. She is lucky to have a caretaker who cares so much! Hang in there!


Stage 2 SCC upper right palate
Hemi-palatectomy and maxillectomy 5/28/09
Six teeth gone
IMRT x30 starts July 13. Completed 8/26/09
Carboplatin and Taxol x6 starting 7/14/09. Completed 8/25/09.