I agree with all the other posters who unanimously recommended getting chemo. If for no other reason than if the cancer comes back you will always ask yourself: what if you had done chemo.
I've had full chemo treatments twice now and while neither was a picnic, the carboplatin was much easier on me than the
I can't remember if I posted this advice to you before, but even if I did, it bears repeating. Get a TSH (thyroid hormone) blood test to get your TSH level number. Get and keep a copy of that test result with the actual number. Best case scenario: you won't need it. Worst case: you need TSH hormone but since the lab ranges are still using 20century data instead of 21st century, your doctor says your range is normal and ignores your symptoms of fatigue & cold.
Luckily for me I did have my pre radiation numbers so I could go to a endocrinologist who understood that you want the TSH exact numbers to be the same after TX as before, not just "within range".
Have a nice Memorial day