Hi Kelly,
I am Barons wife. As you may know he has been going through chemo and radiation for the past 5 weeks. But what I would like to tell you is that, 2 years ago my mother was diognosed w/ovarian cancer. I was her caregiver until the day she passed(she was diognosed 8/25/2000 and passed away on 11/11/2000). Baron and I were married on 8/24/2001. My mother was not here to share the happiest day of my life w/me. 7 months after we were married he is diognosed with cancer. I never dreamed I would be going through this again. Barons is not as fargone as my mothers was, but I wish I had someone who could get me through this. I have 2 kids(previous marriage) and I have to be strong for them and for Baron, but it is getting relly hard.
