thank you everyone for your info on saliva. It seems like I am not the only one with too much of it. I did go ahead and buy a water pik and it is great for cleansing but it has done nothing for my saliva. Still have too much of it and like everyone else I'm going through boxes of kleenex and my mouth is so sore from wiping it. It really has affected my ability to talk too! Oh well!!!!!!! It's nothing compared to surgery or being in the hospital!

dob 12/22/45
2002 DX SCC Stge 4,tumor lft sde tongue,surgery

2005 recur Stge 4 tumor lft side tongue
surgery, flap, XRT
2010 recurr. Stge 4, tumor rt sde tongue
surgery, flap, chemo, radiat. Port, PEG
2010 Peritonitis, liver abc., bacter. infections
2011 Exposed jawb. HBO