hello thank you so much for your responses! i did not know that the 12mcg even existed! i will bring it up to my dad's ENT at next visit... Charm, if you dont mind me asking, what exactly does the "salvage surgery" consist of? did you experience pain 4months out of surgery? i like to copy and paste these words of encouragement and email it to my dad.. he has really been down and out, and now with developing the thrush, which did clear up great about 5days of the Diflucan.. it is still a little white, but nothing like it was, and for the first time today, he looked and was able to open his mouth wide enough to see what is left of his tongue, i cannot imagine emotionally/mentally what this does to an individual BUT at the sametime he is so grateful.. also, during this time my uncle, my dad's only brother was diagnosed with liver/colon cancer in october of last year and passed in February of this year.. my father is coping in his own way, and is truly my hero.. he knows that he needs "to keep his head in the game".. thank you again for sharing your words of wisdom and encouragement with me.. God Bless!

Dad-55 yrs..2/2010-DX/March 2010-Induction Chemo/35Rads 7weeks concurrent with chemo once every 3weeks/6/2010-Treatments completed-October 2010-Recurrence/December 2010-salvage surgery/clear Margins/July 2011-recurrence/weekly Erbitux treatments-5/30/12, last erbitux..
Painfree and rested 6/19/12