There is nothing that makes me love my profession more than the simple easy "Thank You", I get from satisfied patients. Hugs are always welcome, and Jerry, I have had hugs from males. They are all welcome. (I prefer the female hugs..of course!!)
I do my best for every patient every day. Like I said before my job is easy, as far as I'm concerned it is the best job I could ever have. The people attached to the teeth I treat and mouths I see are 99% of the time interesting, wonderful and caring individuals. I love the stories, jokes and tears I share with them. I let them know that they are part of my family and I will always go out of my way for them.
I hope that I can still say this in 37 years.
Jerry, you are an inspiration to me and whether you like it or not, deserve my praise. Thank you for all you have done to further our profession, help your patients and brighten my spark.
To everyone else, talk to your dentist, be honest and express your concerns and fears. It will make a difference in the overall experience you have and the treatment you recieve.

I sent you a PM. I'm so happy to hear about your good news. I do believe that the dentist is compassionate and capable. I do admire the fact that he did get you in and look after you. He does have my respect whether I agree with his methods or not. I just wanted to openly let peole know this. I did sort of rip his handling and ultimately his person apart in my first post. After some thought and further pondering of the situation, I'm OK with his overall dedication to his patients and profession.
I guess, It's just not how I would have handled it.
But, who am I to criticise ...

Best wishes to all,


Dentist since 1995, 12 year Cancer Survivor, Father, Husband, Thankful to so many who supported me on my journey so far, and more than happy to comfort a friend.
Live, Laugh, Love & Learn.