My father went through his first chemo and home with a pump of 5-FU and now I know why they call it 5-FU! He did well the first few days then they took the pump off and gave him a shot of something called Neaulstae? To increase his WBC count, they said he would hert all over and he sure did. He also is nauseated and vomiting. So for two days he hasn't been able to eat anything but bits of this and that. I told him it is time to use the tube. He has 12 days until his next chemo, go home with the pump agian and of course another shot. Can I expect he will feel like this agian and do the Dr.s lower the dose based on how you felt the first time around. He felt good before all this started and I hate to think that this treatment will be what ends it. Loving daughter-


Father 66yrs
S4 SCC left BOT
DX Jan 2011
Peg 1/31/11
chemo Cisp, 5fu, tax
Heart attack 3-17-2011
7 Weeks Rad with erbitux
Peg out Aug 2011
Pet Sept 2011 good (no activity)
Pet Dec 2011 tumor hot