Hi folks,

I've been doing some research and reading on the forums for the last few days. It's awesome that this site exists and I am glad I found it.

Here's my story so far:
I went it for a routine dental exam on Tuesday. My dentist found a spot on the x ray and referred me to an OS. The x rays were done by the type of machine where you are standing and the machine circles your head. I bring that up, because during my exam 6 months ago, when normal x rays were taken, my dentist said she thought she saw something and that we would do a bigger x ray on the next visit. The spot is directly below a root canal that I had close to 20 years ago.Within the last 2 years, my current dentist removed, repaired, and replaced the crown. She said the spot could have been there since the original root canal was performed, and that it did not appear larger than it did 6 months ago. On both visits, a cancer screen was done by my dentist. I dont have swollen lymph nodes,tumors that can be seen in my mouth, etc. I am not exhibiting any other symptoms though both my ears are a little clogged. They have been this way for some while though, a few months after some wax removal. I also spend a lot of time in the water and do some work as a disc jockey, where I have been listening to music at high sound pressure levels through head phones and montiors for years. I am hoping that these are the contributing factors at this point. Oh, I am 40, used to smoke (have had 1 on ocassion over the last few years) and moderate drinker. I am hopeful this is just some scar tissue or benign tumor. Does anyone know if these situations are plausible?

I made an appoinment with the OS and was given a 3/31 appointment date. After reading some of the posts on here, especially about taking your health in your own hands, I called the OS back today and clarified that I was referred because I was a cancer suspect. My appointment was moved to 3/3, which I am happy about. I just wanted to introduce myself and say thank you for the information and inspiration, even though I am not yet a patient.
