Well, It is my turn to go into the HBO chamber. Sure hope it helps with this pain. Saw the wound specialist today and will begin treatment on Tuesday. I will have 30 dives. She also said I have some exposed bone, and if that bone is still exposed at the end of treatment, I will have to have some of it shaved off and closed up and then more HBO treatments. I am so ready for a break in pain. The surgery I had last week has not even began to heal, and the pain is getting worse. I have gone from Lortab to Percocet, because my ENT said I was taking too much Lortab. I would have to take two every three hours instead of 4. The percocet is not doing much better. I have been on these pain meds now for about 3 weeks around the clock.
My ENT did mention that he does not want me taking it anymore than every 4 hours. What am I supposed to do that last hour when the pain is like at an 8? Is the acetominophen that bad that I can not take it every 3 hours?? I can not eat anything. I am back to all liquids and even that is at the bare minimum because of the pain to swallow. I take in just enough so that my stomach does not get queasy form the pain meds. I can barely open my mouth wode enough to get a spoon in it to eat shakes. Sorry to vent.
I am also concerned about going back to work on Monday. How am I supposed to teach if any talking or movement of my tongue causes pain? I guess my students will be happy that they do not have to hear me all that much.

I do know that this is going to get better and there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but that light needs to brighten up and quick.