Thanks All!
Susan: re: clear PET in September - I know!! I thought I was in the clear and then this lovely node decided to act up and let its presence be known.
MD's now see the density but it was hypoactive and small at the time of imaging - maybe just small enough to not react and then had a growth spurt!

Best wishes for your ongoing treatment - hope the buds make it till Christmas!

Jennifer (39)
02/10 SCCa Tongue & Base, HPV-
03/10 Partial Glossectomy & ND 11/10 Revision due to additional nodes 12/20-2/2/11 IMRT & concommitant chemo 2/11 PEG in 3/11 PEG out
Back at work and feeling good 03/24/11!
12/20/11 - 9 month f/u PET/CT - all clear!