
Welcome! I'm a nurse myself, and I can definitely relate to your feelings related from switching from the caregiver role to the patient role!!

I am just curious-- if you don't mind sharing, how did you go from a clear PET scan in Sept. to node dissection in November?

I started IMRT the Monday before Thanksgiving-- the good thing about that is I still had some tastebuds for Thanksgiving! I tell my friends I am having radiation spa treatments-- 8 down, 25 to go!

Good luck to you!

Age 51, married with four kids age 11-18, 9/1/2010, Bx: high grade mucoepidermoid CA left sublingual gland.
10/8/2010, wide excision left floor of mouth, modified radical node dissection left neck.
T1N0M0. IMRT started 11/22.
Never smoked, light social drinker
Also happen to be ICU RN