Hi Gabriele,

Guess we are never at peace unless that biopsy comes back negative. Even then, a few of the negative biopsies that i've read on here recently (that was actually positive) have me scared sh-tless!!! Sorry about my language.

I have a question for you Gabe, I have ulcers at the roof of my mouth and under my tongue for 3 weeks now and they dont seem to be getting any better at all. The ENT said the look normal and that they would eventually go away but i'm still worried. I've reduced my Fetanyl patch on the weekend to 12mg from 25mg and now i can really feel the pain. I cant even eat scambled eggs without pain. Do you know if this is normal at 2 1/2months after tx finished? My main concern is that they are not getting any better. Thank you.


35 Yrs old
03/10 SCC T1-T2
Partial Glossectemy end March - margins not clear enough.
While waiting for resection - cancer returned,2 new cancerous lumps
Re-section End May & flap from cheek attatched. Margins clear.
Mid June - 4 teeth out
Mid July -32 Rads and 3 Cisplatin
6th Sept 10 Finished Treatment!!