Hi Gabe,

I saw my ENT yesterday afternoon and there was actually two lumps. He seems to think that its from rubbing against my teeth, but then when i had cancer reoccurence last time - he didnt think it was cancer either. However, he said given my background we should do a biopsy just in case. Results come back next thurs. I also had ulcers that have been there for awhile, which he said was normal looking and would eventuallyt disappear - so at least one bit of good news, Meanwhile, i'm trying to calm myself down although its pretty hard since there is pain there now and i dont know whether its because my ENT biopsy it or from something else. Guess we wont know until biopsy results come back. Thank you for your reply. Hope everyone is having a nice day.


35 Yrs old
03/10 SCC T1-T2
Partial Glossectemy end March - margins not clear enough.
While waiting for resection - cancer returned,2 new cancerous lumps
Re-section End May & flap from cheek attatched. Margins clear.
Mid June - 4 teeth out
Mid July -32 Rads and 3 Cisplatin
6th Sept 10 Finished Treatment!!