sorry to hear about your husband, but what you describe sounds pretty much like what happened to us. We had chemo with our radiation which would have made Alex sicker than just radiation (more nausea and ulcers) but because of this, we were given anti-nausea medication up front. Even so, Alex still threw up on occasion. There was so much going on, that we never did figure out whether is was meds, radiation, chemo, cancer or even stress that caused it.

It also sounds like you have done exactly the right thing by calling the doctor. Your doctor would have immediately considered dehydration as a side effect of your husbands nausea which would be why he immediately recommended anti-nausea medication.

Try not to worry too much, you are actually under control and doing all the right things - just don't wait too long in getting the anti-nausea meds into your husband (and don't forget if he is vomiting water he won't be able to keep pills down either so you need injection or patch). Dehydration in a normal adult would not do serious damage over a weekend but you need to consider how thin or sick your husband is and your doctor is best placed to determnine this.

FYI - dehydration is not uncommon in your situation but it doesn't help with how ill the person feels or how fast they bounce back. We actually found that if Alex kept his liquid intake up, he felt better and seemed to cope better with side effects.

Can your husband maybe tolerate some other liquid? Maybe something with a tiny bit of sugar and fizz in it?

good luck, you are doing everything right.

Love of Life to Alex T4N2M0 SCC Tonsil, BOT, R lymph nodes
Dx March 2010 51yrs. Unresectable. HPV+ve
Tx Chemo x 3+1 cycles(cisplatin,docetaxel,5FU)- complete May 31
Chemoradiation (IMRTx35 + weekly cisplatin)
Finish Aug 27
Return to work 2 years on
3 years out Aug 27 2013 NED smile
Still underweight