Thanx David and Charm. Thats what i kinda thought the problem might be. Though i called my RO nurse this morning and she said its not one of the side effects of radiation!!! Makes me so upset to think that she's the specialist but i know more than her (well thats what i think anyways. lol)!! There is only one place that does radiation in my state so i dont have a choice of going anywhere else. Can you believe this but IMRT was only available here sept 09? We are so behind in technology for treatment.

I have booked in with my General Practioner (equivalent to yor PCP i think) tomomorrow to have it checked out. Thanx again.


35 Yrs old
03/10 SCC T1-T2
Partial Glossectemy end March - margins not clear enough.
While waiting for resection - cancer returned,2 new cancerous lumps
Re-section End May & flap from cheek attatched. Margins clear.
Mid June - 4 teeth out
Mid July -32 Rads and 3 Cisplatin
6th Sept 10 Finished Treatment!!