Just met with my surgeon and my ent doctor ..they are uncertain if I should have radiation treatment ...Feel it may do more harm than good. Path report showed dyspasia in lots of the tongue. My other option would be to watch it by going in for a appoinment every month for the first year for changes ..they thought it was assesible enough to monitor any changes. Does anyone out there have or had dysplasia? what was your treatment? I would still like to hear from others who have had simular surgeries as mine and how they are doing now .... Thanks!!
54 Year Old Female Non Smoker - Non Drinker Stage 3 Squamous Carcenoma middle tongue, Surgery 9/3/2010 15 hour operation, Neck distention,right - 19 lymph node removed/ok -some tongue dysplasia - free flap/forearm, left arm, skin graph-thigh, lip split/jaw 1 tooth removed/PEG |