Hang in there, Laureanne!
I had a similar tongue graft, but the tissue is from my left thigh. I had a PEG tube in until a week after radiation, but never used it after I could swallow, which was about a month after my surgery. I also had a trach, which came out about 3 weeks post surgery. I am a fast healer and was helped by a lot of prayers, but like you, wanted to know, "how long?" It is obviously different for everyone, but I was diligent to get healthy as soon as possible. It has been 7 months since my surgery, and my speech continues to get better. Some days, it seems, my tongue is more swollen than others, and also depends on whether or not I tried to eat some food that is more textured, like nuts or granola. Someone said to recored your speech, so that over time, you can hear the improvement. I wish I had done that because I am often hard on myself for not speaking more articulately. I know I have come far, but would like to hear it for myself.

Hang in there, and before you know it, some things will start to seem "normal."

Teacher aged 48, SCC Left side and floor of Tongue, Dx December, 2009. Stage II T2 N0 M0 Successful partial glossectomy surgery with thigh flap and neck dissection 3/8/10. 6 weeks of radiation tx ended 6/30/10. Happily surviving!

"Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere."