I returned to work part time 3 weeks after I finished treatment. I went back full time 3 weeks after that. My main problem was that I got tired easily. I work in an office so talk to people on the phone and in person. My speech is good, some words give me problems but people can understand me fine. My swallowing was hard two weeks after treatment ended and then got better. The speech therapist gave me swallowing exercises to do before and during treatment and I think that helped. I did not have a feeding tube because I was able to maintain my weight (lost 9 pounds) through treatment. Hang in there - you will get through it all eventually.
SCC on right tongue T2N1M0 Non-smoker, non-drinker age 55 female. Partial glossectomy April 2009,July 2009, Jan. 2011, lymph nodes removed, radiation & chemo 2009