So I went to the dentist today & had about 8 cavities filled. I had a anxiety attack. My biggest worry! Just as I got in the chair, my heart started racing. About a 1/2 hour into it...I felt like I could not breath, like I was choking, suffocating, my heart was really racing. I raised my hand up for her to stop. She had me laying down to much. After I sat straight up for a little while, I felt better. I was in & out in an hour, but feels like it took a year off my life!

Is there anything I could take before the next visit, that would take the edge off, but so I could still drive? I sure don't look forward to the next 2 appointments!

BOT T3N2M0 No surgery, 38radiation treatments,4 chemo rounds, peg removed 11/08, still have a port. Treatments ended 6/20/08. So far, so Good ! "I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much !"

*** Admin update --- Dianne has passed away on August 25, 2015 ***