Chef Ron, you are going to love your lower implants. Not quite as good as real teeth in that they are not as sharp, so I still cut things smaller, but chew they do!

Billy, I found in a local store a small appliance advertised in television infomercials, the Magic Bullet. Because it takes me a bit longer to eat fruit, and I am an in-a-hurry person, I just put a variety of fruit and a little juice in the mug each morning, give it a whirl, and have my fruit and/or veggie requirements for the day. The advantage over a blender is that this is mixed right in the mug so there is no waste, and the mug goes easily into the dishwasher.

When I make soups, I can leave them chunky for others, and just use this small appliance to puree my serving.

I am not working on commission here, just so happy to have learned about this and wish I had known about it 5 years ago.

Best of luck to both of you!