I will have a go at this question:

I worked as an Oncology nurse prior to diagnosis but mainly I was a stay at home mom. I picked up shifts every other weekend as it was important for us as a family that I raise my kids up not someone else. I worked approx 50hrs per month--I know, I know, big worker, huh?LOL I got paid very well as I was specialized in my field, so I didn't have to work a bunch and we just used my income as an extra. I, of course had to stop once I was diagnosed and my job was held for a year. I am not able to return due to the lack of strength to give full care to patients, the 12+hr shifts and pure fatigue so I'm now getting disability and enjoying taking care of my kids instead. I believe strongly in enjoying my family, making memories and living life to the fullest.

Dx 3/27/09 @ 28 years old with High Grade MEC T4N2M0
Elizabeth, 33, mother of 3 girls (4,7, &8yrs old)
3 rds of chemo(Carbo/Taxol)
Rt Mandibulectomy, rt fibular flap,& rt ND with trach, picc,& g-tube.
30 rds of rads with weekly cisplatin
OCF Regional Coordinator of San Antonio Walk