Erik, I'm so sorry you got so sick after leaving the Dentist Office. My biggest fear is vomiting (I have not since TX), but anyway I have known for a long time how toxic flouride is & can be. & yet it is everywhere! My dentist (before TX) wanted me to get $300 flouride trays to use everyday. As if dealing w/cancer was not enough, lets get the toxins from the flouride thrown in the mix! Years ago I read a book from Kevin Trudeau "What the Drug Co. Doesn't Want You To Know About" Bottom line..if it's good or bad for you, that doesn't really matter as long as $$$$$ is to be made. On the flip side, if it wasn't for all the meds my Dad was taking, we would have lost him years earlier. I don't want to start any war here about perscription drugs! Modern medicine is what got me thru TX ! But thank Goddness with the World Wide Web, we have all kinds of info @ our fingertips! We need to do our homework, and like anything else there is always good & bad. Now that that is behind you (& out of you) may your day be beautiful!

BOT T3N2M0 No surgery, 38radiation treatments,4 chemo rounds, peg removed 11/08, still have a port. Treatments ended 6/20/08. So far, so Good ! "I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much !"

*** Admin update --- Dianne has passed away on August 25, 2015 ***