The advice from Christine B. is the best! (as always!) My TX ended 6/20/08 & on 8/08 I tried to eat some cream of potatoe soup & almost died! I'm not kidding! I had a swallowing test done & found out that scar tissue damage from the rad. closed up my throat to the size of a strand of spaghetti ! No wonder I was choking on eveything I drank! So I needed 5 (in a row) gastroscopies done. The opening went from a 1 to a 16. (Most people I guess are @ 21) But with 16 I am able to swallow OK. The Dr. said I would need to have my throat "stretched" every 3 months...for life! X-ray are used during this procedure, so that was not music to my ears! As it turns out I was able to go 17 months before I needed another stretching! So this is why I agree with Christine B. Choking on that soup & not being able to breathe was one of the scariest things of my life!

BOT T3N2M0 No surgery, 38radiation treatments,4 chemo rounds, peg removed 11/08, still have a port. Treatments ended 6/20/08. So far, so Good ! "I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much !"

*** Admin update --- Dianne has passed away on August 25, 2015 ***