Hi David!

I've had this problem after surgery and I opted to let it run its course naturally as I didnt want to get a tube placed prior to radiation. I was told the radiation could possibly cause the hole to heal slowly or not at all. The fluid did go away but soon came back with any small amount of nasal drainage.

After treatment was over and I was tired of not being able to hear properly anymore, I asked for the tube and was surprised at how easy and small the procedure was. Unfortunately I've only had it for less than 2 months and was told that it looks like its starting to wiggle out. I was told the same as you about the timeframe. It helped clear the fluid out and I can hear again. If it indeed fall out soon, I will try to see what happens without it but I am aware that I may need a permanent tube if warranted in the future.

Dx 3/27/09 @ 28 years old with High Grade MEC T4N2M0
Elizabeth, 33, mother of 3 girls (4,7, &8yrs old)
3 rds of chemo(Carbo/Taxol)
Rt Mandibulectomy, rt fibular flap,& rt ND with trach, picc,& g-tube.
30 rds of rads with weekly cisplatin
OCF Regional Coordinator of San Antonio Walk