A motorcycle racing club...
I have raced cars for many years, and bought my first motorcycle the summer just before I was diagnosed. I rode it all year long and bringing it onto a race track quickly became a personal goal of mine. Even though I continued to ride on local streets through much of my treatment, my physicall and mental condition really prevented anything more than short casual commutes. I was really devastated and worried it would be a very long time until I was able to ride seriously again, or do many of the other things I enjoyed in life.
Well last weekend, almost exactly one year to the day that I finished treatments, I completed my first track event on my bike, and had a blast. I never would have done this if I wasn't 110% up to the task. 175 mph is nothing to take lightly, and its a very serious workout running lap after lap. But I'm feeling fully back to my previous self, if not better, and I'm back to a healthy and normal weight. In a nutshell I'm feeling fully healed and healthy and back to enjoying my life the ways I did before this ordeal began. As much as I enjoyed the race, it was far more of a symbolic victory than anything else for me.
As an added bonus I spent the night before the race at a small B&B near the race track that caters to bicyclists, and I slept in their "Lance Armstrong" suite

As corny as it may sound, I really found the pictures of Lance riding that were hung all over the room to be touching and motivating.
Anyhow, my sole purpose of this post is to share this symbolic victory with those who may be just starting or finishing treatment and hopefully offer some encouragement. It's a long journey, but things do get better....
all my best to everyone.