I am a new member and i just love this forum for all of us. I am interested in some of your stories about ongoing after effects
I am still having a lot also. I had my first cancer in 1997 and have had 2 more since. It has been hard on me and the radiation I had the first time, has left me with a lot of not so nice problems. I would love to talk to you online, please write me when you have time.
Jean Hamann
Salem, Or.

I started in 1997 with a swollen glad in my neck. It was stage 2 tonsil cancer. Had radiation and a week hosp. stay. 2 mo. tube in throat. Lost 40 lbs. c. free until 2005. Tongue had surgery. Did good. 2007, another tongue, surgery. Am cancer free now. Went to OHSU. they are wonderful.