I am very familiar with the mucus. I kept hearing about dry mouth and I felt like I was having the opposite. I am a little over 4 months post tx and still deal with the mucus. The mucus was so bad for me, it would cause me to vomit everyday even after tx. It took about 2 months for it to subside a bit, its not completely gone but I've learned how to manage without puking. Every morning when I wake up (before doing or saying anything), I go rinse my mouth with warm water while trying to hack the crap out, majority of the time its green but I've seen clear, yellow, even blood tinged. If I don't clear it out all the way, I will gag on it when trying to speak or eat, so eventually it's out within 30minutes of me being up. I don't think the suction will help if its in your throat. I use to carry around a spit bucket b/c my mucus was so bad, but do know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it will get better!

Dx 3/27/09 @ 28 years old with High Grade MEC T4N2M0
Elizabeth, 33, mother of 3 girls (4,7, &8yrs old)
3 rds of chemo(Carbo/Taxol)
Rt Mandibulectomy, rt fibular flap,& rt ND with trach, picc,& g-tube.
30 rds of rads with weekly cisplatin
OCF Regional Coordinator of San Antonio Walk