Hey Mike,

Roswell was great! I received Photofrin. The procedure was a simple, in and out the same day, and was over 3 years ago now with no signs of recurrence. The first day, there was tremendous swelling, but no pain. The following three+ weeks were EXTREMELY painful, but the pain management at Roswell was fantastic....they were very accomodating & understanding of this. The photosensitivity was a bit much to tolerate, but well worth it. I had a family trip to Florida planned almost exactly four weeks after the treatment, and, against their advice, I "took one for the team" and ended up with sun poisoning on both of my hands (despite my best efforts to keep all my body parts from being exposed to sunlight). I have my six month follow up with them next week and always look forward to my visits. They have a terrific team there and I feel like I am in good hands. Please feel free to contact me if you have any other questions or if there is anything that I can do to help. Best wishes to you and I hope your treatment goes well!!!!

God Bless!

Rick T
Stage II SCC(T2N0M0). Dx:Jan.05 Surgical removal w/Neck Dissection (nodes clear) Feb 1,2005.