Today was our monthly OC Cancer Support Group meeting and we had a lengthy presentation by Dr. Wang, a Chinese Acupuncture and herbal medicine doctor.
Several of the group's members regularly see Dr. Wang for their dry mouth and tennitis.
Following Dr. Wang's presentation and a video there was a Q&A. Then he got out his 'little back bag' and quickly had a whole conference table full of volunteers filling out consent form as he riddled their hands and ears full of needles.
It was weirder than last weeks Halloween party!
One woman, a nine year survivor of XRT, said she couldn't tell any difference but was having a great time. Another guy with a needle poking out his forehead said he had taken to much saligen to tell any difference. Then there was a new guy with his ears full of needles who hadn't even started his chemo/rad Tx sessions yet (dry mouth trainee??).
Anyway, the acupuncture party was a great hit. Big turnout and we all had lots of fun. Even the skeptics had a salivating good time.