Hi Dianne,
I was in a relationship during my treatment. Obviously we stopped all sexual relations during treatment and the first few months after. It's funny, because when we resumed relations, we did not do a lot of kissing. And it was mostly because of the dry mouth. It didn't feel great to me. There were a couple of times when we did a few seconds of open mouth kissing, and that worked fine for the few seconds. I, too, am worried about how it is going to work with a new guy. I know for sure that my days of giving BJs are over. Ironic, since that's what caused the cancer in the first place. I do tell all the men about being a cancer survivor right away. In fact it is in my on line profile. So far it has not scared away anyone. I have been communicating with an oral cancer research scientist at U of Michigan who has assured me that I can not pass on HPV anymore. I can send you his email if you ever need to prove this to someone. As for salads, I am impressed that you can eat them. They really stick in my throat. But what do you mean about them keeping your throat open? I had two dilations this past May. I think I was at 12 or 15, I can't remember. He did not encourage me to eat salads. But I am doing various swallowing exercises every day. Do you do them? Is there a way to post a private reply? If so, I'd like to give you my number. It may be easier to talk on the phone. How old are you, by the way? I'm going to be 52 in two weeks.