From CRTaylor - I have had a PEG since Nov 2007. It has been changed 4 times and the last time was May 12, 2009. It is made of a translucent silicone and no one has told me that there is a limitation on how long one of these will last. I had to have replacements because they came out and when I went to the ER the doctors said replacement was the best option versus reinstalling the one that had come out. I was awake each time the tubes were replaced. A local pain killer was used, lanacane or lidacane or both together (please forgive my spelling). There was some discomfort, but no real pain in the process. I have had no trouble with the current tube. I have learned in the last two years to ask questions. Get second opinions. I hope this information helps you.
61 yr old male, Oral Cancer Patient, James Graham Brown Cancer Center & University of Louisville Hospital, Louisville, KY, USA. US Army Vietnam Veteran, Unemployed (Disabled), Dx 10/07 Head & Neck, Surgery 11/07 Mouth & Nose, Rad & Chemo 2008, Re-Rad 2009 Rt Jaw