About 2 weeks ago, Dr Anna Giuliano, Chair of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics at Moffitt cancer Center, called me and asked if I would agree to testify before the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) at their 2 day meeting Oct 21 and 22nd in Atlanta. The ACIP is, among other things, considering either to make a Limited recommendation, a Broad recommendation or No recommendation on the Gardasil vaccination for boys. The difference in the 3 is huge with a Broad recommendation meaning the shots would be covered by insurance and covered by individual states' own free shots programs. At least that's the way I understand it.

I immediately called Brian and asked him to go instead of me but unfortunately he will be speaking in Canada and that has been planned for months so we are stuck with me. This is akin to Brian or Jerry addressing the American Institute of CPA's on a technical tax issue. I feel like a fish out of water. I have talked to Brian I will be representing the OFC and as expected he has given me plenty of insight to incorporate into my testimony which I have composed mentally over and over but am here at my office today putting it to paper. I still haven't been told how long I can speak so it's hampering my entire thought process.

Wish me luck but according to Anna, we are fighting an uphill battle but hey I have become accustomed to that over the last 3 years concerning the male connection to HPV so that part I easily accept.


Age 58 at Dx, HPV16+ SCC, Stage IV BOT+2 nodes, non smoker, casual drinker, exercise nut, Cisplatin x 3 & concurrent IMRT x 35,(70 Gy), no surgery, no Peg, Tx at Moffitt over Aug 06. Jun 07, back to riding my bike 100 miles a wk. Now doing 12 Spin classes and 60 outdoor miles per wk. Nov 13 completed Hilly Century ride for Cancer, 104 miles, 1st Place in my age group. Apr 2014 & 15, Spun for 9 straight hrs to raise $$ for YMCA's Livestrong Program. Certified Spin Instructor Jun 2014.