So, after reading all of these insightful quotes and soul searching thoughts, can anyone tell me how to relay this attitude to my husband, who, after having been through what he's been through, continues to "sweat the small stuff." I hear all the time that people who survive life-threatening situations come to appreciate life and want to make the most of each day. I suppose it is unrealistic to expect that a person's whole personality would change. My husband has always been "easily agitated" for lack of a lengthier explanation, and I really wished for him, after having gone through his treatment and learning of the "odds of recurrence" as the topic of this post, that he may have come to realize that he needs to "chill out." I have pointed this out to him at appropriate times (and also some not so appropriate times) but he is not one to have a lengthy or deep discussion and tends to think I am "over analyzing" if I say more than three sentences about anything. Those people who claim to appreciate life more, is it because they already had an appreciation for life, or is it possible to change? Any thoughts?

Michele, caregiver to husband, Jesse, SCC diagnosed 1/5/06 unknown primary, lf neck mass >6 cm. Chemo (Cisplatin 2x; Carboplatin & Taxol 2x) & XRT radiation 39X ending 4/4/06. Rad neck dissection 8.5 hrs 4/13/06. 30 HBO treatments Fall 2006.