Hi Michelle. As you can see by my signature and dx line I have a dx sort of like your husband. I have a 2 1/2 year old as well. My wife was a real trooper through my treatments as it sounds like you will be. We took it one day at a time and I am now back to playing with my little boy and regularly being a pain to her. Ha Ha. Today it is mostly just for fun though. David's advice about the CIB VHC is the best one I had. It helped me get over the hump at the end of my treatments without a feeding tube. I lost 50lbs in all. 12 after treatments were finished. The CIB VHC really helped, I wish I would have known about it early in my treatments, I think it would have helped then as well. Anyway you guys hang in there. P.S. I still drink them for breakfast just because I like them and they are nutritional.

Lee, age 33, stage 4a, T2N2bM0, Tumor left tonsil (removed), 2 left side nodes removed (poorly differientiatied)total of 3 nodes involved. Treatment IMRT x33/ 2x Cysplatin completed. Good Health and Good Help to you.