I'm crying b/c I'm SOO happy Kim's going to try chemo. And that's WONDERFUL that you're all cutting/shaving your hair. Remember - you can get a wig too smile !!! The girls in my support group had AWESOME ones! I was so jealous b/c they looked SOO perfect!! AND they didn't have to do their hair in the morning, no "bad hair" days, no shaving - there are some definite pluses to chemo!! OH! And they also swore by EMEND )(drug) for nausea!

Those girls said little presents really helped them. They'd come home from the chemo treatment and a little something would be on their bed - a bracelet, bath salts, cds, whatever. One girl was in the hospital for a week, and she was given a present for each day to open. It's sounds so trivial - you don't have to spend a lot of money - but it really does make a difference.

You could see, too, if she's be willing to sign up for for (note to others, you don't have to be going through chemo to utilize this). An "angel" would "adopt" her and send her little gifts and cards through treatment. Those same girls did that, and it helped raise their spirits each package.

Thank you so much for keeping us posted. Good news or otherwise, we definitely want to know how she's doing.

Sending Love,