Again, all your prayers and thoughts are greatly appreciated. Kim didn't have a good day today. Her face is starting to swell from the tumors and she is in a lot of pain. She is getting migraines often and she can only take Tylenol (which doesn't do much) to help relieve the pain.

We are happy that she is trying chemo. I just wish that we could find some way to raise her hopes and give her some optimism. She has just started taking an anti-depressant so hopefully that will help.

Her chemo specialist would like her start treatment next week, but she has to have her pain controlled before she begins. Right now her pain is a 9 out of 10. The pain doctor is really worthless as far as I'm concerned.

I am signing her up at Sabrina, thank you for the info. My mom asked her and Kim nodded yes that she would like try it.

Brett I'm not sure what you mean about clinic trial possibilities. Could you elaborate for me as this is all very new to me.

Today, I also had more than 10 inches of my hair cut to donate to the Cancer Society for wigs. I figure that any little bit that I can contribute is a good thing.

Well, I will keep you all posted as she has several appointments next week and then chemo begins.

Sister of Kim, a 24 year old cancer fighter diagnosed on 12/5/04, who fought strong and hard and died with dignity and honor on 1/3/05.