Hello, Aimee. Let me give you my take on the worry part of this. For a stage 4 tumor with mets to nodes, I had surgery including a trach, chemo and rad. That was four years ago. I decided going in that the cancer was just another life challenge. I recovered and am having a fine time. I go to all follow up appts., lead a healthy lifestyle, and figure I will have the best time I can. That way if there is a recurrence, or even another unrelated cancer, I will not have wasted any of my time being worried. Bottom line, life is way too short to worry about what we cannot control or know. Take a deep breath and remember that there are many of us out here who have survived. Read Cathy's post about celebrating her 17th year since treatment.

If and when you need rad is the time to gather information. Treatment protocols change rapidly, so what you learn now may not be current if you need treatment at a later date. You can always come back here and get a wealth of information.

Finally, congratulations on your rapid recovery. I suspect when you have a good CT behind you, your anxiety will lessen greatly.