Hi Don,
Yes I know Plan B is still on the table and all depends on the response we see. It has to be robust response or surgery will be the rec. the doctors at both MSK and NYU all said this should not continue to grow with the amount of chemo being thrown at it and if in fact did grow while in chemo then i have an even bigger problem on my hands. I asked that question several times as did my husband.
Right now I'm going to try and focus on what I can control---which is staying strong, nourished, hydrated and rested as I can; get over my disappointment with the PEG because I KNOW I need it and will be stronger with it; and stay in a positive frame of mind to help me fight like hell!

DX 6/5/15 Stage 4a SCC left lateral tongue, tumor involves 90% of my oral tongue
LVI and PNI identified
Med Port and PEG 6/23/15
Started Cycle 1 of Induction Chemo (TPF) 6/24/15--3 cycles in total
35 External Radiation sessions and concurrent chemotherapy (2 additional rounds of Cisplatin)
Remission as of 2/17/16