And so it goes.....

The latest update is in. I had a new scan on Friday and the initial results are not great. It appears that there is progression, albeit not dramatic. We will be discussing our next options on Friday. It would appear we will be looking at plan B, whatever that means.

On the upside, my oncologist did indicate he had a couple of plans up his sleeve and that this one what just the first, so we are still hopeful. As my wonderful wife just said minutes ago, we don't know what we don't know and we will see what the next options are.

Thanks all, I will keep this more up to date as we may now be making changes!!

The Hellion

SCC Base of Tongue
Diagnosed 3/5/2014 T2N2C
PEG Installed 3/19/2014
Chemo/Rad 3/27/2014
1x Cisplatin, 4+ TaxoCarboplat + 33 * 70 gy
Chemo FINISHED 5/5/2014
PEG tube removed 10/08/14
Back to work 4 Aug full time
1/19/15 - diagnosed mets to lungs
7/17/15 began Pembrolizumab clinical trial demitted October 2015
1/14/16 began Tremi-MEDI trial
-This far, no further! On ne passe pas!

**update** passed away 3/26/16 RIP, you will be missed by many