Hello. I'm 33 years old with an appointment set for tomorrow to get a biopsy done on my upper right gums. Here's my story. Years ago, and I'm talking quite possibly 4 years ago I had a small white sore form on my upper gums on the right side. Honestly, I didn't think much of it, and that's mostly because it didn't hurt at all. Months passed and this sore didn't go away. Sometimes it would swell a bit, sometimes it would hurt but that was only after irritating it by eating or smoking more than a pack a day (I normally smoke about a pack a day). I've been a regular full time smoker since the age of 14. Even with this, I didn't think this might be the start or any type of warning signs of cancer. After months had passed and this sore was still persisting, I decided to go to my general dentist. What he told me, was that this sore was nothing to worry about and should clear up on it's own. Well here I am now, basically 4 years later, and that sore is still in it's same spot, still white. But now, I have another sore next to it which is red, and this one hurts more than the first one ever had. I quit smoking as of 2 days ago. Cold turkey. I'm too scared and not about to play with my life like that. What scared me, was looking up what these sores could be. I'm not sure of the duration of this second sore that has formed. I've had pain in that area for a while now. Sometimes it feels as though I have a toothache, which I think is impossible since I have mostly fake teeth, implants, crowns and bridges all along the top of my mouth. I am not sure I have one real tooth up there. After looking thoroughly in my mouth I think I've noticed another sore that is not painful, on the back left side of my tongue.
Here are some discomforts and symptoms I've had for the past few years. Most of them, now I can contribute it to possibly being the big C. But not all of them. Unless there are symptoms I haven't read about. I'm sure everyone is different and goes through sickness differently though. Like I said, I have an appointment to get a biopsy done tomorrow, but any help or information is much appreciated.

Symptoms (or are they):
Sores (that won't go away) in my mouth (gums and now tongue)
Bleeding when brushing. (This happens rarely and only on the side of the sores on my gums)
Vomiting in the middle of the night. (usually at least once a month)
I went through a bout of bad strep throat that just kept coming back, about 2 years ago. I had it about 7 times in that one year.
Headaches that feel like they are just sitting there waiting to get worse. I feel like the headache never actually leaves. Also, I went through a bad bout of migraines that would form and stay behind my right eye. I can sometimes still feel the pressure there when I have a headache. (All right side - which seems connected to me).
I sometimes have difficulty swallowing, but like the bleeding, this is rare but does happen more than the bleeding does. It doesn't matter what it is I'm eating or drinking even, it sometimes feels like whatever it is, is in the form of a lump trying to get down my throat. I can actually feel the drink, or food in lump form traveling it's way down. It hurts. It sometimes feels like whatever it is, isn't going to make it's way down.

I'm hoping this biopsy comes back negative... but I just have this feeling it's not going to be. The hardest part about all of this, is the possibility of having to tell my parents that their daughter has cancer.
I live alone with 2 cats. I'm also afraid that once I find out the results and treatment options, I'll no longer be able to live so independently.

33 year old female. Smoked since 14 y/o, just quit cold turkey from the scare. Very light drinker. Sores that won't heal on my gums.