Thanks for your input and the good luck. To be honest I only just started taking the antibiotics this past Monday. Mainly because I've been experiencing some stomach issues and didn't want to worsen them with the antibiotics which is usually how it goes for me. I've taken quite a few so far since I must take them every 8 hours, but this sore hasn't subsided any as of yet. Hopefully soon.

I honestly can't wait to get this biopsy once and for all because it seems everyday, I notice something else that's strange inside my mouth. I'm not sure if now my mind is playing tricks on me or what. Or possibly, the marks I'm finding on my cheeks are being caused from my teeth somehow. I'm sure that's a possibility.

33 year old female. Smoked since 14 y/o, just quit cold turkey from the scare. Very light drinker. Sores that won't heal on my gums.