Hi everyone. my mom made it through the second round of chemo last week, and did rather well. we thought it would be ok, and then this week i guess as a residual effect, her mouth is sore and raw and inflamed. can hardly speak and cant drink even water. she is on pain patches tho. any suggestions on helping ease the pain?
eight more radiation sessions and it is done i hope. she is ready to get back to her life and shopping, i know that is what she misses most. but the positive thing is she is saving money right now ha!
i was reading a lot of posts last night while i was at work, and noticed a name of a med for helping the saliva production, anyone can you tell me what it is and does it work?
tomm we are going to look for a suction device, she had one in the hospital and really enjoyed it.
thanks again for all of your positive replys and encouragement.
when she is up and around i will introduce her to the website and she can continue. i have printed her out many of the responses to read.
