Hi Jamie,
It wasn't until almost the end of treatment that I had any issues with the skin on my neck and it manifested itself as a mild sunburn. There is a wide range of reaction to radiation. DO NOT put anything on the skin prior to getting treated (the skin should be dry). It may act as a "bolus" and intensify the radiation effect. Any lotions should be applied just after treatment. The stuff they gave me was called Radiacare - it was mainly aloe vera as I recall -it might have had vitamin E in it as well.

I had dizzy spells a lot and almost fainted many times dealing treatment and shortly after. These are fairly normal things. This is a hard treatment - worse than the disease in many ways. I also had to sit in the shower, especially towards the end of treatment. She may have to plan her day around the shower, picking the time of highest energy level to take one. Energy management is critical when in treatment.

She is very early in the process and it usually gets worse as time goes on, infact the turning point won't be for some time AFTER they have stopped radiation. It is normal to get pretty beat up from this. I know it is disconcerting but it is a reality. The best thing for you to do is read up on it, learn how to watch for different symptoms like thrush, etc. Keep a daily log of food and liquid consumption, medications taken, what worked and what didn't. Stay in touch with the doctors or advice nurses with any issues, fears or concerns. Take detailed notes at all doctor visits. Talk to the nutritionist weekly. Try to keep a positive attitude. It will not help her if you are falling apart or panicking.

The Cisplatin is an enhancer for the radiation. It oxygenates the tissues and makes the radiation more effective. I did not have the other chemo so I have knowledge to share. The nausea should get better the further away she gets from the infusion. Not all days will be awful - some will be just fair.

The book I have recommended lately, "Living Well With Cancer" covers all of these things (and much more) in great detail. My wife this book and gave it to me and it was invaluable IMHO. There have been some recent posts describing the book in detail and how to order it. If you order through the OCF link to Amazon , the site a gets a small percentage which helps Brian keep the door open. See the thread in introductions "your advice on "city of hope", or another centre in los angeles".

Gary Allsebrook
Dx 11/22/02, SCC, 6 x 3 cm Polypoid tumor, rt tonsil, Stage III/IVA, T3N0M0 G1/2
Tx 1/28/03 - 3/19/03, Cisplatin ct x2, IMRT, bilateral, with boost, x35(69.96Gy)
"You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" (James 4:14 NIV)